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3D paving technology used in Zhanjiang expressway construction

2022-11-15 Source: newsgd.com

On November 14, Nansan island bridge expressway project in Zhanjiang officially entered the construction stage of the road surface.

[Photo provided to Newsgd.com]

3D road paving technology will be used in the whole process, including the roadbed, subgrade, and pitch.

[Photo provided to Newsgd.com]

Through early modeling, the engineer uploads the design data to the control panel, which will work like a “3D printer” and slides through the pavement.

This technology can enhance the smoothness and ensure the same thickness of the road surface. Without any hand operation, it can improve the project quality and reduce the labour cost.

[Photo provided to Newsgd.com]

As one of the key construction projects in Guangdong province, Nansan island bridge expressway has a total length of 15 kilometers, of which 3,043 meters are bridges. And the bridge section finished the deck construction in October 2022.

It is the first island expressway in the locality, linking Huangpo Town and Nansan Island of Zhanjiang.

[Photo provided to Newsgd.com]

Joining the Yunfu-Zhanjiang Expressway, the main traffic channel in Western Guangdong, the expressway is expected to open to traffic by the second half of 2023.

By then, it will facilitate the Nansan Island transportation for people living along the routes and bring new development opportunities to the local island’s tourism industry.

Author | Fanny

Editor | Wing, Steven, Will, Jerry